Sing Halleluiah ...
Sing Halleluiah to the king of kings
Sing halleluh, halleluh
Give Him the highest praise
Oh magnify His name
Sing halleluiah to the Lord of lords
Sing halleluh halleluh
Give Him the highest praise
Sing halleluh halleluh
I will bless the Lord with all I have within
Forever His praise be in my mouth
For He has lifted me up to the Heavenly
With Him at the Father’s side
I will bless the Lord with all I have within
For He has made my heart so glad
I will give Him a highest praise
Oh sing halleluh halleluh
Sing Halleluiah to the king of kings
Sing halleluh, halleluh
Give Him the highest praise
Oh magnify His name
Sing halleluiah to the Lord of lords
Sing halleluh halleluh
Give Him the highest praise
Oh sing halleluh halleluh
Give Him the highest praise
Oh sing halleluh halleluh
“But these are written, that ye
might believe that
Jesus is the Christ
(Anointed ONE)
, the Son of God;
and that believing ye
might have life
through His name."
John 20:31
"...Believe on the Lord Jesus,
and thou
shalt be saved,
and thy
) house
Acts 16:31
Simple Salvation Prayer
"Lord Jesus Christ, I am a sinner.
Thank you for dying for all my sins.
Pls save me and my family, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen"